Thursday, 27 August 2015

Promoting the homosexual lifestyle

I heard that old dinosaur Rev Fred Nile today describe the screening of documentary Gayby Baby in NSW High Schools as “promoting the homosexual lifestyle”. You often hear Fred talk of “the homosexual lifestyle”. It is one of his major themes. In those three words, you can hear the complete ‘othering’ of gay people down through history, by patriarchy, by the Church, by religion. It is as if these ‘homosexuals’ who have this ‘lifestyle’ have come from another planet. To Fred, there is nothing recognisable in these people. There is no shared humanity. They are completely and totally foreign to him. These ‘homosexuals’ with their ‘lifestyle’ are as alien to Fred as a Mariana Trench electric deep sea creature. Under the withering judgement of Fred and his allies and their constant refrain of “the homosexual lifestyle”, we are barely human.

The notion that we are “promoting” this lifestyle bears some scrutiny. In some sick twisted religious unscientific model, Fred sees gay people, in fact, all LGBTI people, as being deranged unnatural sinners with an illness brought about by child molestation or an overbearing mother, and that our agenda is to make as many people in the world as possible, gay. Fred thinks we want to start this mission in the schools. That way, we can ‘turn’ as many kids gay as we possibly can, as if they are vampires in a modern horror show. For him, it is promoting being gay as being normal and healthy and lovely and acceptable. 'Aagghhhh', says Fred, 'that is totally unacceptable'. 

Showing Gayby Baby, a PG rated documentary about kids growing up happily in same-sex parented households is for Fred and his ilk, proof beyond doubt, of the nefarious gay agenda to, wait for it, “promote the homosexual lifestyle”, that we want to go about making “the homosexual lifestyle” normal. Instead, it is just a film depicting the everydayness of same-sex parented families as they navigate family life.

Gayby Baby 2015 Official Trailer

So, let me just offer a correction to Fred and all the other pastors who think his way. 

If you think that the LGBTI community wants to let kids know that it is okay to be gay or lesbian, then you are spot on; we do. If you think we want kids to know that being gay is not a sin or a sickness, then you are absolutely spot on again; we do. If you think we want to let kids and adults know that being gay is not unnatural or a rejection of God or a disappointment, then you are absolutely totally 100% right; we do. If you think that we want to teach kids and adults about homophobia and keeping safe, you're right; we do. If you think we want the world to know that our relationships are the equal of those in the straight world and in no way inferior, you are totally right; we do. If you think that the LGBTI community wants gay and lesbian kids and adults to know that they can lead happy, successful and fulfilled lives, then you could not be more right; we so do. 

These are definitely undoubtedly unequivocally our aims. That IS our agenda. To bring to public awareness the great gains we have made in understanding human sexuality and to assist society to cast off thousands of years of oppressive thinking and behaviour. And we'll tell the kids, the adults, the oldies and everyone in between. So that means we will need to let people know that your idiotic concept of “homosexual lifestyle” is not what you think it is at all, but is in fact the course and manner of our very human lives.

Your ‘othering’ of us is offensive. It is also harmful and hurtful. And it is so last century. We've moved on Fred. Younger people who are coming to terms with their sexuality do not need the confusion of the traditional teachings of the Church thrust upon them under the banner of ‘speaking the truth in love’. It’s not love at all. It is just plain ignorance. And if it persists in the face of evidence, then it’s plain bigotry as well. What they do need is support, love, acceptance, and sensible up-to-date information. So if by "promoting the homosexual lifestyle" you mean telling people that being gay is okay and educating society out of ignorance and prejudice, then I am more than happy to “promote the homosexual lifestyle”  and trust that those efforts will help not only the LGBTI community, but our families and friends and society in general, as we grow and evolve into a more informed and accepting modern society.

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